轻松百分百-名师同步辅导—八年级英语 牛津版 答案

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第一页答案 Unit One Success stories Reading A DIV Exercises: 1. piano prodigy 3. western classical music 5. at the age of three 7.win many awards 9. he strict with sb. 11. in place of 12. be grateful to sb, 13. be responsible for 2. on television 4. take piano lessons 6. from then on 8. at a price 10. fall ill Reading A 能力检测 1. awards 2. inventor 3. strict 4. encourage 5. grateful 6. prize 7. gave 8. chosen 1. at a price 2. in place of 3. am grateful to 4. be strict with 5. At the age of Reading B DIY Exercises: 一、1. a man of many talents 2. be curious about3. Search for 4. Lead to5. Lightning conductor 6. Protect from 7.be tired of8.be known as 9. at the same time10. Set up 二、1. inventor 2. development 3. glasses 4. Actually 5. talents 6. findings 7. improve 8. Set 三、1. is curious about 3. led to 5. set up 7. a number of 2. is tied of 4. is known as 6. protect; from 8. searching for Reading B能力检测 一、1-5 BCABC 6-10 BC1IAB 11-15 CAAAB 二、1-5ACDAC 6-10DBACB 三、1. curious 2. lends 4. Actually 5. interests 7. Nowadays 8. development3. tired6. Inventor 五、1. leads to 2. is tired of doing 3. searching for 4. is known as Listening & Speaking 一、1. overcome one’s problem(s) 2. in an accident 3. have a gift for 4. win many medals 5. for love 供供垛佳艹簧讹伪番镰6. for free 7. national pride 8. I couldn’t agree more 9. forget about 10. come on 11. give sb. a hand 12. on one’s own 13. all the time 二、1. overcome 2. admire 3. Medal 4. Disabled 5. hero6.manage 三、1 . a gift for 2. for love 3. forgets about 4.come on 5.on his own Listening & Speaking能力检测 一、1-5 BADBA 6-10 ACAAC 11-15 BDAAD 二、1-5 CBABD 6-10 CCDAD 三、BDCAB 四、1. gift 2. forget 3. national 4. medals 5. overcoming 6. admire 7. manage 8. Offered 五、1. give you a hand 2. forget about 3. for free 4. Come on Writing & More practice DIY Exercises: 一、1. an expert on 3. fight for 5. in prison 7. in total 9. leave school 2. a large number of 4. be equal to 6. have a hard life 8. save up 二、 1. grocery 2. clothing 3. province 4. belief 5. equal 6. Retire 三、1. saved up 2. expert on 3. fight for 4. old enough 5. in total 6. is regarded as 7. are equal to 8. returned to Writing & More.practjce 1-5 CAADA 6-10 ABAAB 11-15 BCBBA ? DBDBC ??0 BADCB

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