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look into 调查

look through 看穿

look at 看

look for 寻找

call on sb 拜访某人

call at拜访 加地方

call up 唤起 回忆起

call for 要求

call in 收集 邀请

call off 取消 put off

call out 召集

call up 打电话

call forth 引出 显现

pick off 摘下来

pick up 拾起,接收

pick out 挑出

send out 发出

send away 解雇 开除

send up 发射

make fun of 取笑

make the best of充分利用

make room for 给。。。让位

make progress 进步

make an effort 努力

make a decision 做决定

make sure 确信

make living 谋生

make ends meet 量入为出

make sense 合理 有意义

send for sb 派人去请某人

send off 散发 发出

put on 穿上

put down 放下

put out 扑灭

point out 谈及

point at瞄准

on time 按时

in time 及时

out of time 过时

at all 根本 全然

in all 总共 完全

all in all 总之

after all 毕竟 终究

above all 首先 最重要的是

first of all 第一 首先

argue with 与某人争辩

argue for 为 而辩护

argue against 辩论

argue a mattter out 把某事辩个水落石出

get away from摆脱

take away from 夺走 抢走

keep away from远离

break away from 脱离

run away from 从 跑开

be away from 离开 表状态

go bad 变坏

go angry 生气

go crazy 变疯

go hard 变硬

go wrong 走错路

go hungry 挨饿

go from bad to worse 每况愈下

go ahead 进展 进行

go out 熄灭

go all out 全力以赴

go over 复习 检查

go by (时间)过去

go through遭受

go down 下降

go against 反对

bring about

bring down

bring out

bring forward

bring up 抚养长大 呕吐

bring in 引进

bring into

bring back

give in to sb 屈服

give up 放弃

give away

give off 散发

give out

put on weight 增肥

lose weight 减肥

by weight 按重量

stand away 远离

stand in

stand aside

stand by

stand up for

take over 接管

take away

take down

take back

take out

take place 发生

take pride in 自豪

get lost 走丢

以前整理过,好久没用了 ,就找了这点。注意收集 整理。


come across,get across, run across。。。



fall across遇见;遇到;撞见;碰到





drop across偶遇;偶然碰上;偶然遇见

Manage Across和同事保持一致

Came across遇到;偶然发现;碰到;走过来


offer an apology, make a phone call. do sb a favor, offer an invitation, make a request, give sb a gift, make a compliment


play a game 玩游戏

eat an apple 吃苹果

drink some water 喝水

swim in a lake 在湖里游泳

fly a kite 放风筝

go to school 去学校

clear the path 清理小道

skip with a skippingrope跳绳

write a letter 写信

throw a stone扔石头

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