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瘦猪肉200克,水木耳30克,青菜30克,植物油75克,酱油20克,醋、葱、姜、蒜各10克,白糖、料酒、泡辣椒各13克,盐3克,湿淀粉15克,味精2克,汤适量。 【制作过程】 (1) 肉切丝,用少许酱油、盐、料酒拌匀,用湿淀粉浆好,拌些油。青菜、木耳水发透洗净均切丝,泡辣椒剁碎。葱、姜切末。 (2) 用糖、醋、酱油、葱、姜、蒜、料酒、味精、淀粉、汤对成汁。 (3) 炒勺烧热注油、油热后下肉丝用手勺推动散开,再加入泡辣椒炒出味后,即下发好的木耳和青菜,随着翻炒,倒入对好的汁,汁开时再翻炒几下即成。 The thin pork 200 grams, the water auricularia auricula 30 grams, thegreen vegetables 30 grams, the vegetable oil 75 grams, the soy sauce20 grams, the vinegar, the onion, the ginger, garlic each 10 grams,the white sugar, the cooking wine, soak hot pepper each 13 grams, thesalty 3 grams, wet starch 15 grams, monosodium glutamate 2 grams, soupright amount. [ Manufacture process ] (1) the meat cuts the silk, with the little soy sauce, thesalt, the cooking wine mixes evenly, with wet 淀粉浆 is good, mixesan oil. The green vegetables, the auricularia auricula dried pass thecleaning to cut the silk, soaks the hot pepper to mince. Onion, gingerstage equipment. (2) uses the sugar, the vinegar, the soy sauce, the onion, the ginger,the garlic, the cooking wine, the monosodium glutamate, the starch,Tang Duicheng the juice. After (3) the round-bottomed wok burns 注油, the oil heat hotlyunder the shredded meat impels dispersing with the hand bucket, afteragain joins soaks the hot pepper to fry the taste, namely under sendsthe good auricularia auricula and the green vegetables, along withturns fries, pours into to the good juice, the juice opens time againturns fries several namely becomes.




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