
挑名师 浏览


我朋友在那里血过 好像有个叫王万桂的 她说人不错 教的很耐心

你可以去问问 具体的也不是很了解 希望能帮助你了

介绍英语老师的英语作文 初一上水平 70词左右

Hello every one!My name is ……My favourite teacher is my English teacher.Her famliy name is Song.She is forty-……(几).She is very tall and she is very nice.But she is very strict with us.She always plays games with us in her class.We like her English lesson very much.This is my English teacher Miss Song.I like her very much.Do you like her?


声明:我是初一的学生 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻

你所说的这些作文完全可以像我上面那篇作文一样的结构来写,或者是介绍东西,人……绝对有用哦(我的考试经验(*^__^*) 嘻嘻)只要套进去,把内容修改一下就行了。相信我,没错的!


转载请注明:多米培训网 » 苏州振华中学英语老师哪几个好