
趣招生 浏览


#include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int a,b,c,d,e; for(a=0;a<=1;a++) for(b=0;b<=1;b++) for(c=0;c<=1;c++) for(d=0;d<=1;d++) for(e=0;e<=1;e++) if((a&&b+c+d+e==3||!a&&b+c+d+e!=3) &&(b&&a+c+d+e==0||!b&&a+c+d+e!=0) &&(c&&a+b+d+e==1||!c&&a+b+d+e!=1) &&(d&&a+b+c+e==4||!d&&a+b+c+e!=4)) { printf(A is pasted a piece of %s paper on his forehead.\n, a?white:black); printf(B is pasted a piece of %s paper on his forehead.\n, b?white:black); printf(C is pasted a piece of %s paper on his forehead.\n, c?white:black); printf(D is pasted a piece of %s paper on his forehead.\n, d?white:black); printf(E is pasted a piece of %s paper on his forehead.\n, e?white:black); } system(PAUSE); return 0; }

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